
Poliomyelitis (polio) is a highly infectious and sometimes fatal disease, which invades the nervous system and can cause life-long paralysis. In June 2002, all 53 countries in the WHO European Region were certified polio free. A sustained effort of immunization and disease surveillance helps maintain the Region’s polio-free status and ensures that no polio case can be left undetected.

Maintaining the Region's polio-free status

Top story

Tajikistan completes first round of supplemental immunization campaign against polio

Over 1.2 million children have received 2 drops of oral polio vaccine (OPV) in Tajikistan in the past week, in the first round of a campaign to stop circulation of vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) detected in the country. This represents 99% of the children targeted to receive vaccination during this campaign.


Video: Polio eradication: making history together

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Polio Endgame Strategy

The comprehensive, long-term strategy to deliver a polio-free world.

Step-by-step eradication of polio

Data and statistics

1 in 200

infections with poliovirus leads to irreversible paralysis. There is no cure for polio, it can only be prevented. Polio vaccine, given multiple times, can protect a child for life.

More data and statistics

Vaccine safety communication library

Guidance on how to communicate about safety

European Immunization Week

Each year in April, EIW promotes the core message that the immunization of every child is vital to prevent diseases and protect life. The goal of the region-wide campaign is to increase vaccination coverage by raising awareness of the importance of immunization.

Go to EIW2021 campaign site

Key resources


    WHO/Europe infectious disease data set, compiled from reports submitted by Member States

  • WHO EpiBrief and EpiData

    Summary and analysis of data on selected vaccine-preventable diseases

  • Polio laboratory data management system

    Information and resources for the Regional Polio Lab Network


    WHO/Europe infectious disease data set, compiled from reports submitted by Member States

  • Immunization Resource Centre

    Documents designed to assist health professionals in their day-to-day work as it relates to immunization

WHO_Europe_VPI twitter feed