Communicable diseases

Socioeconomic, environmental and behavioural factors, as well as international travel and migration, foster and increase the spread of communicable diseases. Vaccine-preventable, foodborne, zoonotic, health care-related and communicable diseases pose significant threats to human health and may sometimes threaten international health security. In cooperation with governments, WHO/Europe develops norms and standards, guidance and public health tools to help countries implement effective disease prevention and control programmes and address their risk factors.

WHO/Europe progress challenge communicable disease public health

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12 researchers in WHO European Region awarded grants for research on TB and COVID-19

12 research projects from the WHO European Region are being funded by the UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) following a call to identify and address barriers and bottlenecks to implementing tuberculosis-related services in the Region during the COVID-19 pandemic.


New guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection

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World Antibiotic Awareness Week

18-24 November 2020