Health systems performance: from assessment to action. Include. Invest. Innovate.(2019)



Report  of the Expert workshop

Tallinn, Estonia, 12 June 2018

The expert workshop “Health systems performance: from assessment to action” took place on 12 June 2018 in Tallinn, Estonia. This one-day event was organized in the context of the WHO Regional Office for Europe high-level meeting “Health Systems for Prosperity and Solidarity: leaving no one behind” that took place on 13–14 June 2018.

The expert workshop aimed to discuss relevant examples of health system performance assessment (HSPA) measures informing policy making at national level, identify enablers and barriers for the use of those measures in actionable policies, and discuss how the Division of Health Systems and Public Health of the WHO Regional Office for Europe can contribute to enhance the use of performance indicators by policy-makers in its technical assistance to countries.