Better noncommunicable disease outcomes: challenges and opportunities for health systems. Turkmenistan country assessment (2019)




Premature mortality due to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is high in Turkmenistan. The probability of dying prematurely (between the ages of 30 and 70 years) from one of the major NCDs is 26.9%. This has significant socioeconomic consequences for the development of the country and calls for immediate strengthening of the health system to respond to the growing burden of NCDs. Despite political commitment and significant progress, for example in reducing the prevalence of behavioural risk factors and in upgrading the health facility infrastructure, the outcomes of NCDs could still be improved.

This report reviews the challenges and opportunities of the health system in Turkmenistan for scaling up core services for the prevention, early diagnosis and management of NCDs. The report also provides examples of good practice in tobacco control. Policy recommendations are made for further action, based on the assessment.