Environmental burden of disease associated with inadequate housing. A method guide to the quantification of health effects of selected housing risks in the WHO European Region. Summary report.




Edited by Matthias Braubach, David E Jacobs and David Ormandy
2011, 13 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 0239 4
Free of charge

This summary report presents key findings of the report “Environmental burden of disease associated with inadequate housing”. It provides evidence that the health consequences of inadequate housing are substantial. Improving housing in a way that removes or minimizes the negative impact on health and safety and promotes a healthier living environment is good for the residents and beneficial for society. Reducing the burden of responding to the demands on the health system attributable to inadequate housing is an obvious public health priority, but also something that makes economic sense.

The findings set out in the full report provide ample justification for the principle that health should be at the centre of housing policy. Making housing healthy, affordable and sustainable should be a prime objective of all professionals and policy-makers involved in any aspect of housing and of health. This summary and its sister publication provide the evidence they need to make it so.