Urban redevelopment of contaminated sites: a review of scientific evidence and practical knowledge on environmental and health issues (2021)



Across the WHO European Region, the urban population is growing steadily and demand for land is rapidly increasing. Revitalizing and/or remediating industrial sites and contaminated land present an opportunity for sustainable urban development and reduce pressure on undisturbed land resources.

Redevelopment of contaminated sites entails various challenges, however, and may cause continued environmental and health consequences if contamination risks are not properly managed or remediated. This report provides the results of an expert consultation on redeveloping contaminated sites for new urban functions, aiming to review the health and environmental impacts of conversion and redevelopment and to identify sound practices to support effective redevelopment while considering health and well-being.

The consultation was structured as a discussion of the evidence on environmental and health impacts of remediation, a review of European redevelopment case studies and a reflection on the applicability of impact assessment tools during remediation and redevelopment processes. Summarizing the conclusions, this report identifies good practices and important elements that should be considered for remediation and redevelopment projects.