Health and Sustainable Development Goals - Team meeting (2018)



The first Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Team Meeting was held at the WHO Regional Office for Europe in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 18–19 January 2018. The purpose of the meeting was to inform the development of a resource kit to support Member States in the implementation of the health-related aspects of the SDGs in line with the Roadmap to Implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Building on Health 2020, the European Policy for Health and Well-being.

Participants discussed the following themes related to the draft content of the resource kit:

  • country perspectives on SDG implementation related to health;
  • tools currently under development to support SDG implementation related to health;
  • technical considerations in tool and resource kit development in the areas of gender and human rights, health systems, national health policies, public health, health emergencies, governance, environment and health;
  • local and regional tools; and communicating the SDGs.

It was agreed that the resource kit should consist of a guiding document of approximately 15–20 pages and also a series of technical annexes. The resource kit should be available as a background document for the 68th session of the Regional Committee in September 2018.