Sustainable Development Goals: initial mapping of World Health Assembly and Regional Committee resolutions, strategies and action plans (2017)



A descriptive analysis of existing resolutions, strategies and action plans investigated how commitments at the World Health Assembly and the WHO European Regional Committee contribute to reaching the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Two searchable Excel databases were compiled of identified global and regional WHO resolutions and action plans that contributed to either SDG 3 (health and well-being for all at all ages) and its targets or all other goals. A three-step analysis examined the number and content of these commitments, which cover a broad spectrum of relevant health topics. Strategies and action plans are available for all SDG 3 targets and many of the health-related targets in other goals. Gaps were identified in cross-cutting themes such as the social determinants of health as stand-alone resolutions and action plans. The WHO European SDG roadmap can, therefore, build on existing global and regional resolutions and action plans and should make use of identified linkages, while gaps need to be further addressed.