Youth: The future is ours! (2020)



Following the adoption of resolution EUR/RC67/R3 (2017), and the Roadmap to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, building on Health 2020, the European policy framework for health and well-being, the WHO Regional Director for Europe was asked to provide a core package of technical resources, knowledge and tools related to the Sustainable Development Goals. This brochure, as a part of this core package, is intended to inspire youth and highlight the overall importance of health and well-being for achieving the 2030 Agenda. It focuses on health-related issues that most probably concern youth in the WHO European Region and provides options for addressing these. The information is provided in a format intending to stimulate curiosity and empower the advocates for health and well-being. Educational institutions and civil society organizations can use the brochure to engage youth leaders to address gaps in their knowledge and to support advocacy activities in health and well-being.