Statement - Dr Søren Brostrøm, Chairperson of the twenty-seventh Standing Committee of the Regional Committee for Europe

Statement by Dr Søren Brostrøm, Chairperson of the twenty-seventh Standing Committee of the Regional Committee for Europe

Twenty-seventh Standing Committee of the Regional Committee for Europe

8 September 2020

Regional Director,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It has been a true privilege for me to chair the Twenty-seventh Standing Committee of the Regional Committee of Europe and I am honoured to present you the report of our meetings and discussions.

Similar to all our Member States, also the Standing Committee had to fulfil its functions under extraordinary and challenging circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic. But more than ever, we felt that our role was important and critical to represent the Regional Committee, provide guidance to the Regional Office and support the Regional Director.

Following the 69th session of the Regional Committee, the Standing Committee has held five regular sessions, two face-to-face meetings in Copenhagen and three virtual meetings. In addition, two special sessions of the SCRC – also virtual - were called under Rule 5.3 of the Rules of Procedure. The first one, in April, was specifically focused on the COVID-19 outbreak and the country-support provided by the Regional Office. The second one, in June, was called to assess the conditions for holding the 70th session of the Regional Committee and to take the necessary measures to ensure a proper conduct of the meeting.

I would like to particularly thank and commend the Regional Director for having kept the SCRC continuously informed about the COVID-19 response. This transparency for instance inspired the members of the SCRC to develop and issue at its third session in March - a day after the Director-General declared COVID-19 a pandemic - a statement in which it expressed its support for the measures that were being taken so far and advised on the role and the position of the WHO Regional Office to assist Member States in their response.

Also the updates on the financial situation of the Regional Office and the consultation and the continuous consultation on the development of European Programme of Work ‘United Action for better health’, were very important to fulfill the SCRC’s oversight function. Comments on the EPW were taken into account in various iterations of the draft document. The SCRC also advised the Regional Director, in light of the ongoing pandemic, to submit the EPW to this year’s Regional Committee meeting, following an accelerated and virtual – though comprehensive - consultation process.

We also had interesting exchanges on ways to increasing the effectiveness and attractiveness of the Regional Committee meetings, and they were reflected in the excellent programme that was originally developed for the session to be held in Tel Aviv. Unfortunately, plans needed to be changed in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the SCRC was called to adjust the arrangements for RC70, in agreement with the government of Israel.

I would like to mention here the great work undertaken by the SCRC sub-group on governance, under the chairmanship of Dr Hanna Pava, who helped to organize the adoption of an intersession decision by the Regional Committee under a written silence procedure and design special rules and procedures for a virtual conduct of this RC70.

Let me equally thank the members of SCRC subgroup on country work and its Chair Ms Katarzyna Rutkowska for the great work on exploring innovative ways for the Regional Office to support countries. While this work could not be completed due to the pandemic, it provides a great basis for work under the 28th session of the SCRC.

I would also like to thank Finland for ensuring the liaison with the Executive Board and providing us with updates on  decisions and actions taken by the global governing bodies. This has helped us tremendously to align of our work and inform our discussions at regional level.

Another important aspect of the SCRC’s tasks is to support the Regional Committee in assessing nominations received for membership in WHO bodies and committees. Based on agreed criteria the SCRC developed a shortlist that will be transmitted to the Regional Committee to inform the deliberations during the private session on Tuesday morning 15 September, and that hopefully can help to reach consensus.

To conclude, let me thank all the members of the Standing Committee for their active and committed participation and contribution to our meetings. A special word of appreciation and gratitude for the 27th SCRC Vice-Chairperson, Dr Iva Pejnovic Franelic, who assisted me with all her tact and wisdom. I would also like to commend the Regional Director and the Secretariat for the invaluable support to the preparations of this Regional Committee and the proactive approach that has helped to make our work and meetings efficient but also interesting and enjoyable.

I hereby certify that the report that you have received gives an accurate account of the 27th session of the Standing Committee.

Thank you very much for your attention!