WHO/Europe’s Standing Committee gives green light to agenda for next annual meeting


Participants in the third session of the eighteenth Standing Committee of the Regional Committee, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30–31 March 2011

The eighteenth Standing Committee of the Regional Committee (SCRC) held its third session on 30–31 March 2011 to prepare for the next annual meeting of Member States – the sixty-first session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe. The SCRC acts for and represents the Regional Committee, WHO/Europe’s decision-making body, between Regional Committee sessions.

Standing Committee members discussed a range of issues, including:

  • the decisions taken and issues discussed at the 128th session of WHO’s Executive Board, held in January 2011;
  • feedback and lessons learned from WHO/Europe’s last annual meeting, the sixtieth session of the Regional Committee, held in Moscow, Russian Federation in September 2011;
  • the draft provisional agenda and programme, as well as technical and policy documents, for the next annual meeting, the sixty-first session of the Regional Committee, to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan on 12–15 September 2011;
  • the nominations received from Member States for vacancies on WHO bodies and committees.

In addition, as a new initiative, all SCRC members were invited to attend a special briefing on the work of WHO/Europe and to meet with staff, directors and the Regional Director’s “cabinet”, before the session began.

The next SCRC meeting will take place in Geneva, Switzerland on 14–15 May 2011. This will be an open meeting, which all Member States will be invited to attend as observers.