Member States invited to propose candidates for the WHO Independent Expert Oversight Advisory Committee

Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, invites Member States to propose names of potential candidates for membership on the Independent Expert Oversight Advisory Committee (IEOAC). A new selection process is being initiated for a partial renewal of the membership of the IEOAC, as the terms of 3 of its members will expire in January 2018. Following an external review of the candidatures, the Director-General will propose candidates and related details to the 141st session of the WHO Executive Board.

How to propose a candidate

In accordance with resolution EB125.R1, and the revised terms of reference for the IEOAC annexed to resolution EB132.R12, Member States are invited to suggest names of potential candidates whose profile corresponds to the selection criteria. Each proposal should contain a curriculum vitae not exceeding 4 pages, including a brief statement of no more than 250 words from the person proposed on what he or she considers their membership would contribute to the Committee.

The deadline for submission is 28 February 2017.

Submissions should be sent to

About the WHO IEOAC

Established in 2009, the IEOAC consists of 5 positions, with individuals serving 4-year terms. Its role is to:

  • review the financial statements of WHO and significant financial reporting policy issues, including advice on the operational implications of the issues and trends apparent;
  • advise on the adequacy of the Organization’s internal controls and risk management systems, and review management’s risk assessment in the Organization and the comprehensiveness of its ongoing risk management processes;
  • exchange information with, and review the effectiveness of, the Organization’s internal audit, evaluation and investigation work as currently vested in its Office of Internal Oversight Services, as well as its external audit function; and monitor the timely, effective and appropriate implementation of all audit findings and recommendations;
  • advise on the appropriateness and effectiveness of accounting policies and disclosure practices and assess changes and risks in those policies;
  • provide, on request, advice to the Director-General on the above matters;
  • review and report periodically on its own performance according to best professional practice in oversight committees and as per the principles recommended by the Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations system; and prepare an annual report on its activities, conclusions, recommendations and, where necessary, interim reports, for submission to the Programme, Budget and Administration Committee of the Executive Board by the Chairman of the IEOAC.

The IEOAC reports to the Programme, Budget and Administration Committee of the Executive Board.

For more information, please contact the office of the Comptroller, Department of Financial Services, WHO headquarters, at or