
Health ministers and high-level representatives of the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region, partner organizations and civil society,  took part in the sixty-fifth session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, held in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 14-17 September 2015.

Key technical health issues on this year's agenda included:

  • Health 2020: Promoting intersectoral and interagency action for health and well-being
  • The European Health Report 2015
  • Priorities for health system strengthening in the European Region 2015-2020
  • WHO European Region physical activity strategy 2016-2025
  • Roadmap of actions to strengthen the implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in Europe 2015-2025
  • European action plan for tuberculosis prevention and control 2016-2020
  • WHO reform and implications for the Regional Office for Europe. 

The 4-day programme also included progress reports on preventing and combating multidrug- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, achieving the health-related Millennium Development Goals, the European Environment and Health Process, behaviour change strategies, the role of health systems and implementing the International Health Regulations (2005). These reports provided updates on implementation of resolutions approved by the Regional Committee at previous sessions. Technical briefings and ministerial lunches offered additional opportunities to discuss technical agenda items.

At the session, two members of the Executive Board, four members of the Standing Committee of the Regional Committee and two members of the European Environment and Health Ministerial Board were nominated.