Remarks at the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Region

1 March 2018, Geneva, Switzerland

Excellency, honorable ministers, ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of the WHO Regional Director for Europe, I am pleased to participate in this Forum at the third year of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals.

I would like to thank UNECE for organizing the Forum, which comes at the right time, just before the high-level panel.
Even though good health and well-being is the primary focus of SDG 3 as a goal, health is a critical component to achieving all the SDGs as a major contributor and enabler, particularly to water and sanitation, energy, cities, consumption and biodiversity, which is our focus today.

All countries in the Region are facing large health inequities that are avoidable, and investing in public health helps drive equitable health improvements. We need strong multi sectorial policy interventions to reduce the social, gender, environmental and economic inequities.

We need stronger efforts by society to tackle all determinants of health - no one should be left behind and the places where people live, eat, work, play and age must be healthy.

For example, strengthening action on safely managed water, sanitation and hygiene services help people, particularly children. It is unacceptable that still today 14 people die every day from diarrheal disease, and many are affected by outbreaks of infectious waterborne diseases.

Another example is managing energy consumption, production and transportation, the health impacts from indoor air pollution and general ambient air pollution, which should be reduced.

We should also not forget that access to renewable energy – in our remote communities and for health services and schools, which will improve health and the learning opportunities for many, particularly children.

In 2030, 8 out of 10 Europeans will be living in cities, so the race to achieve the SDGs will be run in our cities. We must reduce air pollution and avoid the 600 000 premature deaths from outdoor and indoor air pollution.

Reducing the consumption, production and trade of substances harmful to health is another critical factor for health and wellbeing.
Unfortunately, the European Region ranks highest in the world for per capita alcohol consumption.

Unhealthy food consumption, lack of physical activity and many additional factors are contributing to the obesity epidemic. Currently, 21% of men and 24% of women over 18 years of age are obese, and obesity rates are rising among children. We estimate that the Region will fail to halt the rise in obesity unless actions across sectors are accelerated.

We also estimate that Europe will not achieve the goal of reducing tobacco use, unless urgent actions are taken in implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

WHO is committed to support Member States in partnership with all stakeholders

The European policy for health and well-being, Health 2020, is fully aligned with and instrumental to achieving the SDGs in our Region. Last year Health Ministers endorsed the European Roadmap on implementing the SDGs.

Many countries are including health into their national development plans, ensuring that health is embedded in the policies and strategies of other sectors.

WHO is an active player of the United Nations Regional Coordination Mechanism for Europe and Central Asia and leading the Issue-based Coalition on Health which is a strong coordination mechanism for achieving SDG 3 and other SDGs.

We work very closely with all partners and UN agencies and I would like to specifically highlight an exemplary collaboration with UNECE.
We jointly support the Protocol on Water and Health through the joint secretariat. This enables us to support Member States in setting national targets in accordance with SDG 6 and the 2017 Ostrava Declaration on Environment and Health.

Another area I would like to emphasize as a strong collaboration is the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP) as a policy platform that promotes sustainable transport policies, for example safe cycling and walking, to maximize health and environment benefits.

We also reach further by engaging with all partners and stakeholders at the local level through networks and platforms.

To this end, Cities are crucial partners in the process towards a more equitable and sustainable future. Just a few days ago, a gathering of 43 mayors and 85 high-level political representatives met in Copenhagen to share experiences and ideas for how to place health and well-being at the heart of urban development. This group adopted a vision towards a transformative approach to creating happier and healthier cities for all. WHO Regional Director hopes to have 20 000 mayors signed up by 2020, and encouraged members of the Healthy Cities Network to take up this challenge.

In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, let us all join these efforts together and choose the world we want. By working together and investing in people’s health we can make sure we implement all SDGs and leave no one behind.