World Health Day 2016: Beat diabetes

World Health Day 2016 focuses on efforts to prevent and treat diabetes. There are about 60 million people with diabetes in the European Region. Although a large proportion of cases are preventable, prevalence is increasing, mostly due to increases in overweight and obesity, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and socioeconomic disadvantage.

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World Health Day 2016: Living with diabetes and educating others

"Take care of your health by exercising and watching your diet carefully," says Idriz Ethemi, who has lived with type 2 diabetes for over 10 years. The focus of World Health Day 2016 is "Beat diabetes". An estimated 64 million people in the WHO European Region live with the disease.

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Key message

Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe

The countries of this Region have a huge burden of diabetes, and their health systems often struggle to control the disease and manage its complications. The surge in diabetes will continue unless there is a concerted, whole-of-society effort to stop it.

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World Health Day - 7 April 2016

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