National policy dialogue on preventing child maltreatment in Albania

There were 40 stakeholders present at a policy dialogue on the prevention of child maltreatment at the Ministry of Health in Albania on 13 December 2012.

The meeting was opened by Dr Pipero, Director General of Health, who emphasised the importance of preventing violence against children as a first step in preventing family violence. Dr Sethi, WHO/Europe, welcomed participants on behalf of WHO and emphasised the importance of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE) in Albania as it contributed to the body of knowledge both in Albania and in the Region. 

The results of the Albanian ACE survey were presented by Dr G. Qirjako. The study was conducted in a representative sample of 1400 university students and showed high levels of emotional, sexual and physical abuse and neglect. 14 percent of students reported having 4 or more ACE and there was a dose response between the number of ACEs and risk taking behaviours such as suicidal attempts, smoking, harmful alcohol use, and risky sexual behaviour.

A panel discussion was held and the conclusion from the floor was that there is a need for a national action plan to prevent child maltreatment and to coordinate multidisciplinary preventive action. The event was widely reported on national television aided by the fact that there had been a few high profile cases of domestic violence in the media in the past week.