WHO Country Office


Since opening in 1994, the WHO Country Office in Belarus has been the focal point for all WHO activities in Belarus. It also is the active member of the United Nations Country Team in Belarus.

The role of the Country Office is to provide technical assistance in policy-making for sustainable health development based on a holistic health-system approach. This includes providing guidance, building local relationships to implement technical cooperation, preparing standards and agreements, and ensuring that public health measures are coordinated and in place during crises.

In 2016, the Country Office profile was upgraded; it is now under the leadership of a WHO representative/head of country office and is scaling up the level of activities to support national policy development.

The Country Office’s main priorities are set out in the biennial collaborative agreement (BCA) between WHO/Europe and Belarus. It implements the BCA in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health, national institutions and international partner agencies.

Biennial Collaborative Agreement (BCA) 2020-2021

The following high and medium priorities within framework of GPW13 have been chosen for collaboration:

  • Improved access to quality essential health services
  • Reduced number of people suffering financial hardship
  • Improved access to essential medicines, vaccines, diagnostics and devices for primary health care
  • Epidemics and pandemics prevented
  • Health emergencies rapidly detected and responded to
  • Determinants of health addressed
  • Risk factors reduced through multisectoral action
  • Healthy settings and Health-in-All Policies promoted
  • Strengthened country capacity in data and innovation.