Polio immunization campaign held in Bulgaria

Diliana Dilkova

In light of European Immunization Week 2011 the association, “National Network of the Health mediators”, with support from WHO, conducted a comprehensive immunization campaign from 23-30 April 2001 against polio for children aged 1-7 years without immunization or no evidence of such, children without a family doctor and those without permanent addresses.

Also, a national conference was held on the problems of immunization among hard to reach groups with a special focus on Roma children. All regional epidemiologists in the country, representatives of nongovernmental organizations, all available Roma mediators and representatives of the media attended the meeting. Materials for social mobilization were provided and distributed to all Regional Health Inspections. A range of printed materials was produced that immunization teams used during the campaign.

Furthermore, 28 mobile teams were established in each of the 28 districts in the country, five of them were given mobile pediatric units. A schedule was developed for the visits of mobile immunization teams in all villages in the area, especially in Roma neighborhoods and in small remote villages where no GP is available. Local Roma mediators were provided with the necessary information and materials and were included in mobile teams.