Day against alcohol abuse “Alcohol and your bounds – find them!”

Vilia Velikova

“Alcohol and your bounds – find them!” event, Sofia, Bulgaria
The Ministry of Health initiated a day against alcohol abuse “Alcohol and your bounds – find them!” The celebration of this day was in front of the Ministry building, in central Sofia. The event was supported by the WHO Country Office in Bulgaria. The partners of “Alcohol and your bounds – find them!” were Center for Preventive Information, National Center for Addictions, State Psychiatrical Hospital for Addiction and Alcoholism, Psychotherapeutical community for drug addicted “Phoenix”, Capital Regional Health Inspections, Union of Bulgarian Drivers, Bulgarian Youth Red Cross and Bulgarian Association of Health Care Professionals. The aim of the event was to inform citizens for the consequences of the harmful use of alcohol by free of charge consultations, information materials, tests, questionnaires. It was also possible to try alcoglasses (goggles) and have the idea what does it mean to drive with BAC over 0,5 g/l. The media presence and interest at the event was also strong.