Web based data collection and dissemination system for epidemiological surveillance of measles and rubella in Bulgaria

WHO/Europe funded the creation and implementation of the web based data collection and dissemination system for epidemiological surveillance of measles and rubella in Bulgaria. This is the second system after the acute respiratory infections/influenza system.

It provides the means of collecting the case-based information at regional level. For every measles/rubella case, the system provides possibility for entering data for less than 50 variables. Data is entered by regional surveillance focal persons.

The system provides the ability:

  • to collect data, using several layers of input – different input forms, depending on user role and function regarding epidemiological surveillance of measles and rubella in Bulgaria;
  • to validate the data – in accordance with procedures, specified by the National centre for infectious and parasitic diseases (NCIPD) and the Centralized Information System for Infectious Diseases (CISID) Development team in WHO/Europe;
  • to analyse the data – variety of standard (preset) daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reports, custom reports and dynamic graphs are generated automatically, reflecting the national and the regional development of the specified diseases;
  • to manage users and their access rights, users at the regional level and users at national level are implemented with options to configure additional roles as needed;
  • to present the data in Bulgarian and in English – the data and the user interface of the system, including all reports, tables and graphs are available in Bulgarian and in English.