World No Tobacco Day events and new anti-smoking law raise awareness of health risks in Bulgaria

Regional Heath Inspection/Veliko Turnovo

Fashion show to raise awareness on World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day on 31 May 2012 was marked in Bulgaria with a series of activities to raise awareness of the health risks of smoking and to draw special attention to this year's theme of tobacco industry interference.

The most prominent event was adoption on 1 June 2012 of an amendment and supplementation of the Health Act, which represents a large step forward for tobacco control in Bulgaria. The new law bans smoking in indoor public places, including workplaces, and some open areas, in accordance with Article 8 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the European Union Council Recommendation of 30 November 2009 on smoke-free environments (2009/C 296/02).

The Ministry of Health organized a national campaign from 4 June to 11 July to advertize cessation methods and further the work of the Consultative Cabinets for Tobacco Smoking Cessation. In collaboration with partners, nongovernmental organizations and schools, the Ministry also organized various activities on 31 May in front of the National Theatre in the capital city of Sofia: 

  • consultations and dissemination of informational flyers on the harmful consequences of tobacco use;
  • measuring levels of CO in exhaled air to promote awareness of the effects of smoking;
  • sending up of kites; 
  • children's drawing competition and exhibition on the theme "No to cigarettes!".

Also on 31 May, the coalition "Tobacco Smoke-free Life Coalition" and the association "Bulgaria Without Tobacco Smoke" organized a meeting of various authorities, including the deputy Minister of Health, Mincho Vichev, MD. The main lecturer at the event was Professor Nazmi Bilir from Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, who was invited with support from WHO. He presented Turkey's experience with implementation of a complete smoking ban, including successful tactics used against the tobacco industry. The event was closed with a press briefing.

A national school competition "The project of our class – for a life without tobacco" has been conducted each year since 2008. The competition for the 2011/2012 school year was closed with a conference, during which the Minister of Health, Mrs Dessislava Atanasova, presented awards to schoolchildren who had helped their classmates, friends, mothers, fathers, grandparents, sisters, brothers or teachers – 156 persons in all – to quit smoking.

Country-wide events also included:

  • awareness-raising campaigns on the harmful influence of the tobacco industry and its "dirty tricks";
  • fashion show of clothes made with tobacco product waste materials; 
  • discussions, seminars and debates;
  • posting of internet messages based on the "Pass it on!" principle;
  • training for medical specialists;
  • consultations for pregnant women.