Bulgaria celebrates 70th anniversary of the United Nations

Lilia Iotova

High-level WHO officials and representatives of the WHO Country Office in Bulgaria and other United Nation (UN) agencies gathered together on 27 October 2015 at the National Archeological Museum in Sofia to celebrate the UN's 70th anniversary.

Members of the UN family, high-level state representatives and representatives of civil society and the diplomatic corps, as well as 250 guests attended the event, organized by UN agencies in Bulgaria. Among the officials representing WHO/Europe at the anniversary were Dr Hans Kluge, Director, Division of Health Systems and Public Health; Dr Michail Okoliyski, Head of WHO Country Office, Bulgaria; and Ms Desislava Durcheva, Administrative Assistant.

The welcome speech noted that, for the first time, one of the sustainable development goals is dedicated to health, because better health means a better opportunity to overcome poverty. It was an excellent opportunity to present the UN family and work in Bulgaria and share ideas for partnerships. The Bulgarian Government and all national partners were thanked for their active role, reaffirming the commitment of all UN agencies in the country to ensure a better and brighter future for all people.

Tweet using hashtag #UN70 to join in the celebration.