WHO Country Day in Bulgaria


WHO together with the Ministry of Health and national partners met on 4 December 2015 for Country Day, organized for the first time in Sofia, Bulgaria. The aim of Country Day is to improve interactions with local partners, and to enhance better communication and coordination with WHO.

Dr Marija Kishman (Technical Officer, Strategic Relations with Countries, WHO/Europe), Dr Michail Okoliyski (Head of WHO Country Office, Bulgaria) and Ms Desislava Durcheva (Administrative Assistant, WHO Country Office, Bulgaria) represented WHO at the event.

Participants discussed WHO policies and opportunities for technical assistance, as well as the work under the 2014–2015 biennial collaborative agreement. The national counterpart and national coordinators presented the different technical priority areas successfully covered by the agreement. Participants discussed practical ideas on the need for cross-sectoral collaboration on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and Health 2020.

Those attending appreciated the event and confirmed the need for yearly country days.

About Country Day

Country Day is designed to provide a forum for an in-depth discussion and analysis of implementation of country programmes in selected priority technical areas.