HealthBuddy+ launched in Bulgaria and North Macedonia to combat COVID-19 misinformation


Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the spread of misinformation – amplified on social media and other digital platforms – has proved to be as much of a threat to global public health as the virus itself. Misinformation is harmful to people’s health and it can cost lives. HealthBuddy+ was launched online in May 2020 by WHO/Europe and UNICEF ECARO to help debunk false claims about the virus while supporting the dissemination of truthful information on COVID-19 in the European Region.

Since its launch, the tool has been adapted for use as an app (launched in October 2020) and made available in 20 languages. Now, the digital tool has been introduced in two more countries in the Region – Bulgaria and North Macedonia.

A tool serving the country’s response

Speaking at the launch in North Macedonia, North Macedonian Minister of Health Dr Venko Filipche said, “We expect that this practical tool, offering access to accurate and verified information, will not only help users stay up to date on COVID-19, but also improve our personal and collective preparedness to counter the disinformation and myths surrounding the virus and COVID-19 vaccines.”

Adding to these comments, WHO Representative Jihane Tawilah noted, “We are faced with an enormous challenge from widespread misleading content on websites and social media platforms. Survey data show a desire for more transparency and specific information. HealthBuddy+ has the benefit of not only providing easy access to trusted information on COVID-19, but also of being tailored to local contexts and languages. HealthBuddy+ is your personal COVID-19 expert.”

A strong WHO and UNICEF partnership

At the Bulgarian launch, Dr Michail Okoliyski from the WHO Country Office also outlined some of the benefits of HealthBuddy+. “It is a strong evidence-based tool for the friendly sharing of important messages in an interactive manner. The frequent use of the chatbot proves that we are providing a good instrument for fighting the pandemic, which meets the needs of Bulgarians and strengthens their emotional and mental health by giving them the feeling of partnership and care”, he emphasized.

Highlighting some of the longer-term advantages of the digital tool, Ivaylo Spasov, Communication for Social Change Officer at UNICEF Bulgaria and HealthBuddy+ implementer, said, “HealthBuddy+ has enabled partnerships and become a digital compass in the boundless infodemic. It is serving an immediate crisis intervention role, but it will have an even greater impact if it becomes a trusted companion for the long run, a sustainable hub for health literacy and mental health beyond the COVID-19 crisis”.

The chatbot will now be embedded in both countries’ national authorities’ websites, with the expectation that it will soon be integrated into the websites of other countries to help support the COVID-19 and infodemic response.

The HealthBuddy+ mobile app can be downloaded from Google Play and the App Store.