Strengthening capacity in Balkan countries to improve engagement in Codex Alimentarius activities. Durres, Albania, 6-8 September 2011

Food safety officials from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will be trained by WHO and FAO experts to stimulate a more effective participation in the Codex process by Balkan countries, who joined the Codex in recent years. The course will provide an in-depth knowledge of Codex and of how countries participate and can influence its work.

The training will also focus on the use of Codex Alimentarius standards, guidelines and recommendations on food safety standards. Related issues, such as coordinating Codex work at the national level and linking it to other food safety country activities, will also be discussed.

Trainees come from public health, food/agriculture sector, and/or veterinary sector, work at central and regional level in the area of implementation of food safety, and include national Codex focal points.

WHO/Europe and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) collaborate in promoting food safety and building capacity in Member States, including Codex work. The course is supported by the Codex Trust Fund, which helps developing countries and countries in transition to increase their participation in the work of Codex.