Extensive review of tuberculosis prevention, control and care in Georgia 6–14 November 2014



The tuberculosis (TB) epidemiological situation remains a public health issue in Georgia and a matter of concern for the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs, the community and other stakeholders. Georgia is one of 18 countries giving priority to the fight against TB in the WHO European Region.

A review of the TB epidemiological situation, including interventions to prevent and control TB and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), was carried out by a team of international experts facilitated by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, with the participation of national experts and the support and observation of the Global Fund and other international stakeholders. This report:

  • documents the progress and shortcomings in TB prevention, control and care;
  • assesses the health care network, including laboratories, and reports on the quality of TB services delivery;
  • assesses the links, synergies and opportunities for TB control in relation to health financing, health system strengthening and other disease-specific interventions; and
  • assesses partnerships in TB care and coordination and collaboration with the national TB programme.