Georgia health system performance assessment 2009. Executive report



This Executive report presents in a concise and readily accessible manner the main findings of the World Health Organization (WHO) assessment of the performance of the Georgian health system, which was carried out by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, with the technical and financial support from the WHO Regional Office for Europe and from the World Bank. This assessment was carried out between July 2007 and September 2009 and contributes to the efforts pursued by the government of Georgia to strengthen the capacities of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs for effective stewardship of the health system.

The Executive report should be seen as a supplement to the full technical report of the above-mentioned assessment,
and offers key stakeholders and decision-makers an overview of the approaches and outcomes of the assessment exercise, with a summary of the recommendations put forward.

This health system performance assessment is the first in a series of similar reports released this year by the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. Other reports to be released in 2009 include Armenia, Estonia and Portugal.