Iceland approves policy on alcohol and drug prevention until 2020

The Minister of Health of Iceland has approved an alcohol and drug prevention policy until 2020. A task force made up of representatives from several ministries will define quantifiable targets on the basis of this policy and develop a plan of action to work towards achieving them. The policy also covers the abuse of prescription drugs which can lead to addiction and dependency. 

The main goals of the policy are:

  • to restrict access to alcohol and other drugs;
  • to protect groups at risk from the damaging effects of alcohol and other drugs;
  • to prevent young people from starting to consume alcohol or other drugs;
  • to reduce the numbers of people who develop dangerous habits regarding the consumption of alcohol or other drugs;
  • to ensure that those who have abuse or addiction problems have access to continuous and coordinated services based on the best available knowledge and quality standards;
  • to reduce health damage and the number of deaths related to consumption of alcohol, or other drugs, consumed by the individuals involved, or by others.