WHO stresses health reform should be based on equity at high-level EU meeting

WHO/Gesine Knolle

Health system reform should be based on the values of solidarity and equity. This was the message WHO conveyed in its statement at a high-level meeting convened by the European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service in Brussels, Belgium on 5 July 2016.

The statement by the Director of the Division of Health Systems and Public Health at WHO/Europe, Dr Hans Kluge, highlighted WHO activities related to structural reform of national health systems. These activities are in response to country requests for support for increased planning and absorption of structural funds and for change management, and are synergetic with the mission of the Structural Reform Support Service.

WHO activities related to structural reform include:

  • reforming primary health care in Greece
  • restructuring public health services in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine
  • assisting Romania with fulfilling ex ante conditions to access structural funds
  • developing financial sustainability in Ireland through reforms on universal health coverage.

The Service supports European Union (EU) Member States in implementing structural reforms, in efficient and effective use of EU funds, and in transposing the EU’s acquis – a body of common rights that is binding to all Member States. Support goes towards building more effective institutions, stronger governance frameworks and efficient public administration.

The Structural Reform Support Service held the meeting to take stock of the progress made one year after its launch in 2015.