Israel is in the midst of numerous health reform efforts

As described in the new Israel HiT health system review, the Israeli health system is considered quite efficient. At the same time reform initiatives are being taken to tackle certain problems: the benefit package is further expanded to include mental health care and dental care for children; health inequalities are reduced through a multipronged effort; national projects are set up to measure and improve the quality of hospital care and reduce surgical waiting times, along with greater public dissemination of comparative performance data. Due to the growing reliance on private financing with potentially deleterious effects for equity and efficiency, action is taken to expand public financing, improve the efficiency of the public system and constrain the growth of the private sector. Finally, major steps are being taken to address projected shortages of physicians and nurses.

The HiT will be launched in Jerusalem in collaboration with the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute and the Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research.