INMP becomes WHO collaborating centre, as WHO launches report on refugee and migrant health

The Italian National Institute for Health, Migration and Poverty (INMP) is a valuable extension of the long-standing cooperation that WHO has enjoyed with the Italian Ministry of Health.

Their collaboration has resulted in the first WHO report of its kind, illuminating the causes, consequences and responses to the health needs and challenges faced by refugees and migrants in the WHO European Region.

Following INMP’s official designation, there are now 5 WHO collaborating centres dealing with migration and health in the Region. These are Limerick University; the University of Pécs; the International Centre for Migration, Health and Development, Geneva; the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome; and INMP.

The institution not only offers direct health assistance and diagnostics in a wide range of disciplines in clinical medicine, but also includes transcultural mediators and anthropologists in their work.