Brochure - The WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development in a nutshell (2018)



The WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development, based in Venice, Italy (hereinafter referred to as the Venice Office), is the centre of excellence of the WHO Regional Office for Europe in the thematic areas of social and economic determinants of health, health equity and investment for health. The mandate of the centre focuses on principles of equity, promotion of investment for health and the safeguarding of human and gender rights.

The Venice Office aims to generate and disseminate cuttingedge knowledge and to assist Member States of the WHO European Region by building strong partnerships and networks with governments, the public and private sectors, academia and various think tanks, as well as a broad range of civil society stakeholders. The Venice Office was established in 2003 through a Memorandum of Agreement between the Government of Italy – represented by the national Ministry of Health and the Veneto Region – and the WHO Regional Office for Europe.