WHO and USAID launch new partnership in Kyrgyzstan

In order to scale up technical assistance for tuberculosis (TB) to Kyrgyzstan, WHO has received a grant from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The overarching goal of the grant is to improve stewardship and governance of the Ministry of Health and relevant national bodies to increase programme efficiency and ensure equitable access to quality services to prevent and control TB and multidrug- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (M/XDR-TB) in the country.

The key objectives of the project are to:

  • strengthen technical and managerial capacity of National TB Programme (NTP);
  • improve programmatic management of drug resistant TB and TB/HIV;
  • improve epidemiological surveillance;
  • strengthen advocacy activities and working in partnership.

To achieve these objectives, the project will mainstream the functions and results-based management capacity of NTP and the Ministry; assist and facilitate the NTP in developing, implementing and coordinating a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system; and review and update the terms of reference and job descriptions of relevant NTP and Ministry staff.

Furthermore, the project will support the NTP in the development of a comprehensive advocacy and communications campaign. Within the project, WHO will organize quarterly inter-agency coordination meetings to exchange goals, plans and status of national and international assistance to TB control. The overall direction and coordination of the project will be provided through WHO/Europe, with the WHO Country Office, Kyrgyzstan, in collaboration with WHO project staff based in the country.

The following outputs of the project are key for further advancing and sustaining progress in TB prevention, care and control in Kyrgyzstan:

  • stewardship and governance of Ministry of Health on TB and TB/HIV improved;
  • adequately trained and sufficient human resources secured for programmatic management of drug-resistant TB (PMDT), monitoring and evaluation, and surveillance;
  • models of care improved for TB, TB/HIV and M/XDR-TB;
  • coordination of prison and health services developed further.

Through this project, WHO/Europe recruited an international professional officer based in Bishkek. WHO/Europe will capitalize on excellent health reforms in the country and advise the Ministry of Health on health system strengthening and integrated TB care.