Kyrgyzstan making progress, but more to do in mother and newborn care, assessment shows


The results of a recent assessment show that Kyrgyzstan is making progress in improving access to and quality of out-patient and hospital care for pregnant women, mothers and babies; however, continued steps are needed to enhance its capabilities and offerings to women and children to reach the Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5.    

The assessment evaluates Kyrgyzstan’s progress following a 2012 study conducted by the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan with assistance of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), WHO, United Nations Children’s Fund, United States Agency for International Development and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit.  The study originally assessed the quality of care for pregnant women, mothers and newborns using WHO  tools, and was performed by an international and national team of midwives, neonatologists, obstetricians and gynaecologists, health care organizers and psychologists.  They developed recommendations for further health care improvement at national and local levels. 

2012 study outcomes

Recommendations resulting from the 2012 study included:

  • development of national clinical standards
  • introduction of supportive supervision
  • development and implementation of new antenatal cards and documentation for women
  • training in emergency obstetric care and newborn resuscitation 
  • implementation of near-miss case reviews and many other concrete actions. 

UNFPA Kyrgyzstan, in collaboration with WHO, assisted the  Ministry of Health in assessing the progress made since 2012 to evaluate the impact of these recommendations on the quality of care for women and children. 

Progress since 2012

The assessment results indicated progress in the improvement of quality of services for mothers and newborns. This success, recognized by the Ministry of Health and local policy-makers, is a result of the joint assistance of aid development partners.   It was also noted, however, that more progress is needed.  The latest assessment’s recommendations were presented to policy-makers on 24 May 2014, and priorities were set for a path forward.  Kyrgyzstan understands the level of accountability it has towards women and children, and is dedicated to taking action for further progress.