WHO experts awarded medals by the Kyrgyz Mandatory Health Insurance Fund


Dr Marat Kaliev, Director of the Kyrgyz Mandatory Health Insurance Fund, with Melitta Jakab, Senior Health Economist, WHO/Europe

At the 20th anniversary of the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF) of the Kyrgyz Republic, WHO experts were honored for their contributions to the Kyrgyz health financing system. Melitta Jakab, Senior Health Economist, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Joe Kutzin, Senior Health Financing Global Advisor, WHO Headquarters and Jarno Habicht, WHO Representative in Kyrgyzstan, all received medals for their many years of work and collaboration. The medals represent a high level of recognition from the Kyrgyz government to WHO for its continued support for health systems reforms.

In late September, WHO, in cooperation with national authorities and development partners, organized health financing consultations and a high level policy dialogue to support the implementation of the Den Sooluk National Health Reform Program of the Kyrgyz Republic.  Topics of discussion included achievements made and next steps in moving towards universal health coverage in Kyrgyzstan. An international roundtable was also held, during which senior representatives of health insurance agencies from  Estonia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania and the Republic of Moldova, shared progress made towards universal health coverage in their respective countries.