Monitoring official development assistance to the health sector of the Kyrgyz Republic - first edition 2015

A number of different activities have been undertaken in recent years with the aim of mapping official development assistance (ODA) in the Kyrgyz Republic. Various country reports on different sectors have been released as a result of these activities. Yet although these reports provide a basic understanding of the ongoing donor support in the health sector of the Kyrgyz Republic, they do not provide detailed and quantitative information on the support allocated to specific priority areas or on health system strengthening activities – including their geographical distribution and their alignment with national policy.

For this reason, the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic and the WHO Country Office jointly decided to launch a new process with the aim of building both an allencompassing database and a comprehensive analysis of all development partners’ support to the Kyrgyz health sector in 2015. The present document is the output of the abovementioned mapping exercise launched in February 2016 by the Ministry of Health and the WHO Country Office.