Montenegro's campaign on sexual and reproductive health

On 12 February 2016, Montenegro celebrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day with a campaign to raise awareness on reproductive health and sexually transmitted diseases, particularly among youths. The Centre for Health Promotion of the Institute of Public Health of Montenegro, in collaboration with the Clinical Centre of Montenegro and the Primary Health Care Centre of Podgorica, organized the campaign.

The campaign included:

  • workshops led by specialists from the Centre for Health Promotion, some of which addressed students of the 2 major high schools in Montenegro;
  • a brochure on sexual and reproductive health, which was handed out at primary health care institutions and at main shopping centres;
  • booths in 2 shopping centres in Podgorica staffed by primary health care doctors who could answer questions on the topic; and
  • a press conference with psychologists from the Primary Health Care Centre of Podgorica, gynaecologists from the Clinical Centre of Montenegro and the Director of the Centre for Health Promotion.

These activities were covered by the media and were well attended.

In Montenegro, the official number of registered cases of sexually transmitted infections is low due to poor registration from both private and public health institutions. Reporting of these diseases, while mandatory, does not provide complete and precise information on the number of patients, which is vital to draw the attention of health providers who plan activities to improve reproductive health.

About Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day

Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day is celebrated on 12 February every year in order to raise awareness on the topic and to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections through education. WHO estimates that each day more than 1million people get an infection that is spread through sexual contact.