Ministers examine options to strengthen health systems response to communicable diseases

At a meeting of the South-eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) countries, health ministers discussed approaches and strategies to strengthen the health systems response to communicable diseases. The meeting took place on 2 April 2017 in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, in association with the 4th South-Eastern Europe Health Ministerial Forum.

At the pre-forum meeting, the Tuberculosis Regional Eastern European and Central Asian Project (TB-REP) was presented as an example of strengthening health systems for effective communicable disease prevention and care. Participants explored the role of health system financing mechanisms, health workforce planning, and service delivery models in tackling the challenges posed by communicable diseases.

These discussions will contribute to the development of sustainable transition plans involving community service organizations, key populations, international donors and technical agencies.

Although the south-eastern European region has made significant gains in the fight against HIV and tuberculosis (TB), communicable diseases – especially TB – are still a public health concern. Additionally, the region is in a transition phase with reduced financial support from international donors.