Meeting report of the Second High-level Meeting of Small Countries (Soldeu, Andorra, 2–3 July 2015)



Taking forward Health 2020: Small Countries at the Forefront of Whole-of-Government Approaches to Health

Soldeu, Andorra, 2–3 July 2015

The second high-level meeting of small countries took place in Soldeu, Andorra, 2–3 July 2015 with the aim of reviewing progress made since the first meeting particularly in implementing the activities as set out in the San Marino Manifesto. The meeting aimed to further advance the implementation of Health 2020 in the WHO European Region by exploring intersectoral approaches to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequities.

The specific outcomes of the meeting were the Andorra statement and an action plan covering four areas paving the way forward for small country implementation of Health 2020 namely, documentation of various aspects of Health 2020 implementation; development of joint capacity-building events on core Health 2020 themes; better engagement of the media as an implementation partner, and creation of a platform for sharing experiences and mutual learning about Health 2020 implementation.