WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care joins forces with the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam

University of Amsterdam

Following its appointment as WHO Collaborating Centre for Quality and Equity in Primary Health Care Systems, the Healthcare Services and Systems Research Unit of the Department of Public Health at the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam and the WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care have embarked on a series of evidence-generating activities to support the implementation of the European Framework for Action on Integrated Health Services Delivery approved at the 66th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe in September 2016.

The main streams of work include measuring and assessing the performance of primary health care and its integration across health services. Understanding quality, equity and efficiency challenges but also documenting best practices in countries are extremely relevant to the WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care in providing tailored policy advice to Member States.

The collaboration with the Academic Medical Center also includes specific involvement in the preparations for the 40th anniversary of the conference on the Declaration of Alma-Ata that will take place in November 2018.

The WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care warmly welcomes this new collaboration.