Reaching out to find, treat and cure more TB patients and address their comorbidities


The 18th Wolfheze Workshop and 15th WHO European Region Meeting of National TB Programme Managers focused on increasing TB patient outreach as a means to treat and cure more patients with TB and comorbidities.

Throughout the Workshop and Meeting, extensive debates covered a wide variety of topics, including:

  • country progress in the adaptation and implementation of the Tuberculosis action plan for the WHO European Region 2016–2020, with a focus on migrants;
  • TB/HIV collaborative activities;
  • latent TB infection;
  • enhancing the quality of people-centred care with a focus on the patient experience;
  • monitoring and managing new drugs and active drug safety;
  • digital health; and
  • preparations for the first WHO Global Ministerial Conference on Ending TB in the Sustainable Development Era, to be held in November 2017 in Moscow, Russian Federation.