WHO holds consultation on the European Mental Health Action Plan and the Global Mental Health Action Plan

Oslo, Norway, 3-5 September 2012

Mental health problems are among the leading contributors to the burden of disease globally and in many European countries, they are already the major cause of morbidity. In response to this, WHO is developing several interconnected and complementary activities that support Member States in producing comprehensive policies and strategies addressing:

  • promotion of mental health
  • prevention of mental disorders, and early identification
  • care support
  • and treatment and recovery of persons with mental disorders.

The policies and strategies have to be developed according to national priorities and within their specific contexts.

Synchronizing global and regional actions

WHO headquarters is drafting a comprehensive global mental health action plan, for consideration by the 66th World Health Assembly in May 2013. Simultaneously, the WHO Regional Office for Europe is preparing a European Mental Health Action Plan, targeting the needs of its European Member States, to be submitted to the WHO Regional Committee for Europe in Portugal in September 2013.

At the meeting of European member States in Oslo on 3-5 September, Member States and key stakeholders will discuss the vision, objectives and responsibilities of both the Global Mental Health Action Plan and the European Mental Health Action Plan and agree on a set of outcomes for these. In addition, the meeting will be an opportunity to inform Member States of activities that have taken place in the European Region by WHO and consult on future actions.