Outcomes regarding European Mental Health Action Plan at consultation in Oslo

47 Member States participated in a consultation held in Oslo 3-5 September regarding both the Global and the European Mental Health Action Plans.
The consultation resulted in strong support to both Action Plans, and agreement on a series of concrete actions for the European Regional Office. In summary WHO/Europe and its Member States have agreed to:

  • Increase awareness of rights of people with mental disorders
  • Agree definitions of mental health terms
  • Monitor involvement of service users and families
  • Develop a set of indicators in partnership with EC and other partners
  • Identify and disseminate good service models
  • Work at sub-Region level (European Union, South-Eeastern Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States)
  • Map barriers
  • Support development of management skills
  • Develop curricula for primary care
  • Support international standardization of competencies and education

Addressing the realities

Mental disorders are one of the top public health challenges in the European Region as measured by prevalence, burden of disease and disability. There is strong evidence of effective treatments and care for many mental disorders and their co-morbidities. However, the majority of people with mental health problems do not receive treatment, the so-called treatment gap, and experience long delays.

After the consultation, Regional Adviser for Mental Health in the European Region, Matt Muijen stated “It was good to get acknowledgement that the European Action Plan addresses the concerns and priorities of our Member States and inspires them to improve mental health of their population.” The European strategy addresses the mental health challenges people face in times of financial crisis and the need to provide safe and effective care, especially for  the most vulnerable population groups – and making a commitment to the rights and empowerment of service users and their families, and addressing the need for health sector reforms.

This Mental Health Action Plan makes an important contribution towards achieving the vision of the European policy for Health- Health 2020: “a WHO European region where all people are enabled and supported in achieving their full health potential and wellbeing, and in which countries, individually and jointly, work towards reducing inequalities in health within the Region and beyond.”

The consultation was organized with the support of the Norwegian government. In addition to the European Member States, user and family organizations, NGOs, Collaborating Centres, and professional organizations participated in the consultation.