Norway provides mobile X-ray machine for Serbia

WHO/Aleksandar Bojovic

(From left) Professor Berislav Vekić, State Secretary at the Ministry of Health of Serbia; H.E. Nils Ragnar Kamsvag, Norwegian Ambassador to Serbia; Dr Miljana Grbic, Head of the WHO Country Office in Serbia; and Dr Vera Krsmanovic, Director of the General Hospital in Loznica were present when Loznica Hospital received an x-ray machine as part of a donation from the Norwegian Government.

The severe flooding in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia in May 2014 affected more than 1.6 million people, and damaged or destroyed many health facilities. For example, it destroyed medical equipment and supplies in the general hospital in Loznica, western Serbia.

In October, the hospital in Loznica received a new mobile X-ray machine, thanks to a large donation made by the Norwegian Government to support reconstruction following the flooding. Norway made the donation through WHO, in coordination with the Ministry of Health of Serbia.

“Fourteen health institutions in Serbia were damaged during the floods. Thanks to the support of the Norwegian Embassy, health institutions in the Serbian health system will receive additional medical equipment, which will enable people to continue to make use of the health care services they need,” said Dr Miljana Grbic, Head of the WHO Country Office, Serbia.

Professor BerislavVekić, State Secretary at the Ministry of Health, described the gift as having “exceptional value to this institution, as it will help to provide additional diagnostic and operative possibilities”.

Plans are underway to procure an additional mobile X-ray machine and four ventilators, to cover the needs of other health institutions affected by the floods.