Monitoring official development assistance to the health sector in the Republic of Moldova. 2013 Report (2014)



The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova has conducted regular surveys since 2008 on official development assistance to assess the level and type of external development funding received. These surveys have provided insight into various activities organized with development partners, as well as inputs to sector coordination.

This publication is the sixth annual report on official development assistance to the Moldovan health sector. Its main aim is to provide a full picture of external assistance to the health sector, thereby highlighting key interventions and actions in development partner assistance across the priorities set out in the strategic policy documents: the National Health Policy 2007–2021 and the Healthcare System Development Strategy 2008–2017. Additional objectives include helping to attract additional investment and assistance in the medium term; improving the information available for sector coordination and strategic decision-making; and extending the monitoring exercise to include cross-referencing of: health sector strategies (adopted for 2008–2021), health system functions, disease areas, types of support (including policy development, technical assistance and investment), the geographical distribution of investments.