Joint tuberculosis control programme review mission to the Republic of Moldova



The WHO Regional Office for Europe organized a comprehensive national tuberculosis programme (NTP) review mission in the Republic of Moldova on 7–11 September and 22–29 November 2009. The review focused on achievements and issues in the treatment of tuberculosis (TB) based on the WHO Stop TB Strategy components, including political commitment, case detection and diagnosis, directly observed treatment, drug supply, monitoring and evaluation. 

A separate review focused on the management of HIV-TB coinfection in the context of multidrug resistance, health system strengthening, empowerment of TB patients, civil society engagement and cross-sector cooperation between various health care providers, including the prison system and the Transnistria region. The structure of TB services in the health system was investigated in detail, alongside a thorough analysis of the epidemiological situation. For each component, strengths and remaining gaps were identified, and relevant and specific areas for action suggested. The review’s conclusions and recommendations pave the way for the development of the new NTP of 2011–2015.