Training course on the principles of PCR assays and validation

Research Institute of Influenza, Russian Federation/Olga Konshina

After the success of the training course on laboratory preparedness for emerging respiratory pathogens in Rotterdam, the Netherlands in November 2014, a similar 5-day training course was organized by the WHO-recognized National Influenza Centre (NIC) at the Research Institute of Influenza of the Ministry of Health, the Russian Federation, for 25 specialists from NICs from 13 countries.

The course took place in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation from 25 to 29 May 2015, as part of the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework Partnership Contribution Implementation Plan 2013–2016 aimed at strengthening NIC capacities and influenza virological surveillance in the WHO European Region. The aim of the course was to provide participants with the capabilities to execute molecular identification of circulating human and emerging influenza virus strains, and validation of molecular assays for seasonal and emerging influenza viruses. The official language for this course was Russian.

Participants were provided with the skills to develop and validate the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test-kits and to quality control influenza PCR diagnostics. The lectures and exercises addressed the basic principles and requirements of PCR and reverse transcription PCR; the use, verification and validation of PCR test kits; and in-house development and validation of assays. The course also provided information on the analysis of target sequences and the principles of primer and probe design.