Students meet at WHO Country Office in the Russian Federation

Ksenia Falkovskaya

On 22 May 2017, the WHO Country Office in the Russian Federation hosted a meeting with students of the Moscow State Medical Stomatological University, named after AI Evdokimov. The introductory session for second and third year students was provided by senior staff members of the WHO Country Office.

Dr Elena Yurasova, Coordinator on Noncommunicable Diseases, and Dr Nikita Afanasiev, Medical Officer, Tuberculosis Programme, provided a comprehensive overview of WHO activities in the Russian Federation. In particular, the presentation focused on the tuberculosis control and road safety programmes, which have been among the priorities in the Russian Federation and are examples of intersectoral socially determined activities. The students were particularly interested in the medical and social aspects of the projects and programmes that WHO implements in the regions of the country.