Russian Federation sees 9.4% drop in TB cases in 2017


In 2017, tuberculosis (TB) cases in the Russian Federation dropped by 9.4% to 48.3 per 100 000 people.  This is in line with a trend in recent years that has seen a steady decline in TB morbidity and mortality in the country. Since 2012, TB morbidity has decreased by more than 30% and mortality by more than 48%.

These figures were announced by Dr Tatiana Yakovleva, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, during a press conference on 23 March 2018.

World TB Day 2018

World TB Day is held every year on 24 March to raise public awareness about the devastating health, social and economic consequences of TB and to step up efforts to end the global TB epidemic. This year, to mark World TB Day in the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health in collaboration with WHO held a press conference in Moscow, on 23 March. This was part of a series of events organized to mark the day.

During the press conference, Dr Melita Vujnovic, WHO Representative to the Russian Federation, welcomed the positive trends in TB treatment and highlighted the country’s commitment to fight this dangerous disease at the highest level. She emphasized that TB remains one of the top public health threats worldwide, and in the WHO European Region in particular. “More efforts at all levels and sectors should be invested to reach the target of ending the TB epidemic by 2030 under the Sustainable Development Goals,” said Dr Vujnovic at the press conference.

Dr Vinay Saldanha, Director, Regional Support Team for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) also attended the event and stressed the importance of rapid detection and appropriate treatment for people living with HIV and coinfected with TB.

Ksenia Shchenina, representative of the TB People network, expressed support to all people who have experience of TB and presented a book “You and tuberculosis” written by TB patients for patients. Her inspiring message was driven by the moto: despite all concerns, fears and severities each TB patient should remember that TB is curable.

Conference for young scientists and TB professionals

Traditionally, and to coincide with World TB Day, the WHO Collaborating Centre for Tuberculosis organizes a conference for young scientists and TB professionals. This year was no exception and on 23 March at the Central TB Research Institute in Moscow, this year’s World TB Day theme “Wanted: Leaders for a TB-free world” was high on the agenda. Also, to mark the Day the Research Institute officially opened a new TB molecular genetics and microbiological laboratory.

Art to raise awareness

An exhibition entitled “Hold your breath” was the central part of a series of activities organized by the by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Representation in Russia, Belarus and Moldova on 23 March in Moscow and was attended by representatives of the WHO Country Office in the Russian Federation.

Through paintings, the exhibition portrays the personal story of the artist Paulina Siniatkina. Since March 2016, this exhibition has been shown in different countries to raise awareness about TB among young people.