National situational analysis of water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities in Serbia. Summary report (2020)



Provision of safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and adequate waste management in health care facilities is an essential aspect of ensuring high-quality health care. A resolution on WASH services in health care facilities was adopted at the Seventysecond World Health Assembly in May 2019, stressing the importance of adequate WASH services in achieving universal health coverage and re-emphasizing WASH-related commitments, such as those expressed by the Sustainable Development Goals. In the WHO European Region, countries have also committed to action under the Ostrava Declaration on Environment and Health and the Protocol on Water and Health.

This report presents the results of a comprehensive national assessment in Serbia – one of the first countries in the Region to take concrete action to respond to the World Health Assembly resolution. The assessment collected evidence on the WASH conditions in health care facilities to identify gaps in implementation of the national requirements, to evaluate the routine monitoring system and financing, and to inform the development of advanced indicators.